Welcome to trainerotd!!

What is Trainer of the Day?

Trainer of the Day is an otd account I've made to post pokemon trainers! Some may be canon, and some may be OCs!! Feel free to submit either to me through DMs ^^

Currently, I am using White from Pokemon Adventures as my mascot. :)

Submission Info

Currently, I am taking submissions through DMs!!

If you are submitting a canon pokemon trainer, make sure you include their name and source! You can include images you'd prefer me to use if you'd like, but otherwise I'll use Google.

If you are submitting an OC, please include their name and anything you'd like to share about them!! I'd prefer you include at least one image. It doesn't have to be your art (i.e. Picrew, commissions, etc.) but please include artist credit if necessary. Also include if you'd like to be tagged with your OC.

Admin Info

Call me Parmesan!! I go by they/she, I'm 17, and I'm white.
I have been into pokemon for almost 12 years and my first game was Soulsilver. My favorite trainers atm are Lyra, Silver, Volo, Black, and White!!
My ooc tag will be #trainerooc
That's all for now! Hope we can be friends :)


  • General DNI Criteria

  • Proshippers

  • NSFW Accounts

  • Unsupportive of Neopronouns/Xenogenders/Etc.

  • Think Bi/Mspec Lesbians aren't Lesbiphobic